Check it Out: Forklift Operator Check List
Check it Out – Forklift Operator’s Check List

Everyday should be forklift safety day! One of the most important parts of an operator’s job is to "check out" their lift truck before operating it by performing a pre-shift lift truck inspection.
This process is not only required by OSHA but it is pivotal to both safety and productivity of the operator. Rushing through an inspection or not conducting an inspection at all could result in the operator overlooking serious problems with the lift truck causing it to be unsafe. Operating unsafe equipment could result in serious injury or death to the operator or other co-workers.
OSHA requires that all lift trucks be inspected at least daily before being put into use. If you are operating your lift trucks around the clock, then they must be inspected at the beginning of each shift. Contrary to what many people believe, OSHA does not require these inspections to be kept in writing. However, it is strongly recommended that employers document all inspections. If inspections are not documented, it will be very difficult to track and prove that they were completed. It is also essential that all operators know how to properly conduct a pre-shift inspection of their lift truck, and having an actual "checklist" will help ensure that operators know what to inspect.
The pre-shift daily inspection consists of both a visual inspection and an operational inspection. The visual inspection, sometimes referred to as a pre-start inspection, should be conducted with the key in the "off" position. At minimum the operator needs to be well versed on what to look for when doing a visual inspection and operational inspection, and the checklist should include the following components:
This Visual Inspection requires the operator to visually inspect a number of items such as:
- Tires – Check to make sure the tires are not worn or flat. Failure to do so could result in roll over incident
- Battery – Make sure the battery is secured. Improper checking procedures can result in serious eye injuries and burn
- Lights - Check the headlights and brake lights
- Chain - The chain must be tight and lubricated
- Fork - Is there any visual damage to the fork?
After completing the visual inspection, operators should always conduct an Operational Inspection with the key in the "on" position. This inspection includes:
- Horn – Does the horn work properly? No audible warning device could result in a pedestrian being struck
- Backup Warning - Can the backup warning signal be heard?
- Motion - Verify forward and reverse movement
- Lift / Lower System – A malfunctioning lift/lower system could result in dropping of load and result in a crushing injury
- Steering & Braking – Are all the brakes and steering working properly? Any malfunction of these components could lead to loss of control and result in injury and property damage.
If any lift truck is found to be in need of repairs, it should NOT be driven and should be taken out of service immediately. Any problems found should be documented properly and reported to a supervisor.
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